Girls Uniform
Navy Park School blazer
Navy skirt
Navy v-neck jumper
White shirt
School tie
Navy socks or tights
Black shoes (not trainers)
Uniforms are at available Signature Works, Castlereagh Road and Bangor, Balloo Drive
Post 16 students wear a Post 16 tie separate to other students, also available at Signature works.
KS3 & 4 Female Uniform

Post 16 Female Uniform
Post 16 Male Uniform
KS3 & 4 Male Uniform
Boys Uniform
Navy Park School blazer
Charcoal grey trousers
Navy v-neck jumper
White shirt
School tie
Black shoes (not trainers)
Uniforms are at available Signature Works, Castlereagh Road and Bangor, Balloo Drive
Post 16 students wear a Post 16 tie separate to other students, also available at Signature works.
P.E. Uniform Boys & Girls
White t-shirt
Navy shorts/black or
Navy track bottoms
**Jackets, hoodies, caps or hats are not to be worn inside school.

Uniform & Equipment Information
Pupils should bring the following to school:
Staff and pupils at Park School feel that the uniform is an important aspect of school life and insist that all pupils wear the correct school uniform.
Pupils are expected to take pride in wearing their uniform.