Home Economics
Students will be provided with opportunities and support to develop their skills in the areas of food preparation and cooking using methods such as; boiling, steaming, baking and roasting.
Learning objectives;
Years 8, 9 and 10 will looking closely at food hygiene and safety and building up vocabulary and skills relevant to their examinations in KS 4.
Learning objectives;
Years 11 and 12 will begin collating work and evidence to be used towards an Entry Level qualification in Home Economics and an Entry Level Occupational Studies qualification. Some of the areas to be studied are;
Basic Food Preparation, Safety and Hygiene in the Kitchen, Healthy Eating, Learning Through the Play and Managing Money.
Post 16
Learning objectives;
Post 16 will be continuing on with their accreditations in both Home Economics and Occupational Studies. These newly acquired skills can be used while on work experience placement or at Springvale College.