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Latest News & Events

Bronze Duke of Edinburgh
Today, the weather was very good to our Bronze Duke of Edinburgh group as they went on their first practice walk at Shaw's Bridge and...

Yesterday, we had a very special visitor to school and everyone was very excited! Noble, from Clarawood School, came to meet all our...

Half Term Disco
Final day before our half term break means only one thing in Park - DISCO time. Key Stage 4 and 5 had their disco before lunch and were...

Love for Life
Last week, saw a visit from Love for Life to Park School. They delivered some workshops with our KS4 and Post 16 students. The KS4...

Boccia festival
On Wednesday, the Year 8's attended a Disability Sport NI Boccia festival at Antrim Forum. Three Park School teams took part, competing...

23/24 Post 16 Formal
Photos of our 23/24 Post 16 formal! Everyone is looking stunning tonight For the first time we have our Prom Queen and King for Park...

Pupil of the Month
Our students received their awards for Student of the Month. The work they have produced and the effort they have put in this term has...

YR 10 Gaming Workshop
Today, some Year 10 boys attended a Gaming workshop, led by Into Film staff for East Belfast Secondary Schools. They learned about the NI...

Castle Court
Thank you to everyone who went to Castle Court to support our Enterprise companies. The two companies worked so hard and walked away...

sponsored Walk
Today, our Post 16 had their sponsored walk in Ormeau Park. It was a brisk morning but everyone enjoyed the walk and we even had a four...

Enterprise groups
Our Enterprise groups are all prepared for their next trade fair in Castle Court on Thursday 1st February. Please call in to Castle...

Students of the Month
Congratulations to our Students of the Month. Today, they had a special treat and were presented with their certificates today. Well...

Forest School plaque
Today we received our official Forest School plaque. Congratulations to Mr Stevenson for completing the course and working with different...

Christmas Carols and Dinner
Yesterday, we had two lovely Carol Services in school for our students and staff. Many of the students took part, reading, singing and...

Signature Schools
Signature Schools has been in school to present us with a cheque for the commission from our school uniform. What a great amount of...

Christmas Events
We are having such a busy time in Park School over the past few weeks. Last week, we had our Christmas Fair and door competition.  ...

St George's
Our Post 16 Young Enterprise classes had a fantastic day at St. George's market! The students loved it and have learned some very...

Yesterday 9JS participated in the NI disability sport kurling championships at Girdwood Hub. Split into two teams, Park Panthers and Park...

Open Morning
We had a fantastic Open Morning today with a great turn out of parents and pupils. Our students showcased the different subjects we...
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